Folk dancers dance on cloud dust in the vastness of space. Beyond the grounding elements of the planet earth and its moon is the distant sun, solar system, and billions of stars and galaxies beyond. Though quite small by comparison to the cosmos, each dancer nonetheless is a treasured member in this foreground scene. Each steps in time with the beauty of an individual culture. Still, from the perspective of seeing their planet as a whole, against the great backdrop of the unknown universe, they dance as one family, in step with one another in that cosmic dance called “Earth Dance.”

Imagine a dance, an earth dance,
Where folks of all faiths and race
Each dance their dance with a mindful glance
Of all who dance in the space.
Imagine this dance, this earth dance,
This folk fest way up in space.
Each dancer around the world enchants
With smiles upon each face.
One cosmic dance, this earth dance,
That circles the globe with such grace,
As polars attract in this global romance,
They dance as one human race.