“We are the clay and you the potter; we are all the work of your hands.” (Isaiah 64:7) Scribed in a bottom stair of the potter’s wall, the words reign eternal. At the top of the distant stairs stands God’s human masterpiece, the risen Christ awaiting with loving and open hands for the rest of his Father’s creation. Still, the stairs on the potter’s wall are many and sometimes steep. Great art takes time. The Hand of the Father, gentle yet strong, emerges out of a distant dark cloud, fingertips subliminally touching on the mind of the potter. The potter’s hands delicately shape another vessel, spinning with emptiness, yet full of promise. We all in turn touch one another on this wheel of life. The seven variant pots resting on the foreground shelf may or may not be complete. One pot is broken. Perhaps it is perfect in its imperfection. One thing is for certain; all the vessels are perfect in their potential. Only the Master Artist knows the vision of His creation. The Holy Spirit, the dove, wings outstretched like the hands of time against the clockface of the sun, remains in this timely world as the Artist’s inspiration. It is just as Christ promised. But whether or not the time is twenty to twelve or seven, whether the sun is setting or rising high in the sky, no one but the Master Artist knows. Great art will take its time. Only one thing is for certain. It is simply “all in these Hands.”