Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Wherever you are in your day or your life, welcome to the June-Marie blog. I once heard it said that artists may rise before the crack of dawn or sleep until noon – our views and styles run the gamut. I am here to share with you my current thoughts – where I am in my day, the latest news, and especially the latest featured painting with poetry/prose on my website. Most importantly, I sincerely hope that you join in the conversation!
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” (Pablo Picasso) How true a quote by one of our most famous artists. Still, the latent child continues to live in all of us. Art itself is fluid, totally dependent on the artistic perspective of the viewer. We all have different paintings with rich local color yet to be painted; we all have poetry yet to find expression. I look forward to an uplifting exchange that brings us both to a new day in our shared humanity.